Eclectic Alberta, I

Eclectic Alberta, I

Watercolor, ink, gesso, graphite on paper

Detail, full work 26 x 52 inches, 2011




Eclectic Alberta, II

Eclectic Alberta, II

Watercolor, ink, gesso, graphite on paper

Detail, full work 26 x 52 inches, 2011




46th Birthday Book – Covers

46th Birthday Book – Covers

For each birthday of my son’s 40th decade, I’ve painted these 5-inch square accordion-folded books that feature his boys.

Back-to-back portraits in the summer of 2018. Watercolor and gesso on cardboard. Each cover: 5x5-inches. 2018

46th Birthday Book – pages 1.2.3

46th Birthday Book – pages 1.2.3

With Kibkib, and favorite stuffies. Watercolor and water soluble graphite on paper. Final accordion-folded size: 5x5-inches. 2018

46th Birthday Book – pages 4.5.6

46th Birthday Book – pages 4.5.6

Comparing heights. Watercolor and water soluble graphite on paper. Final accordion-folded size: 5x5-inches. 2018



Grape vines, seeds, glass beads, watercolor, acrylic, graphite on torn cardboard. 5 x 5 inches, 2016

Prodigal / Family

Prodigal / Family

Grape vines, seeds, glass beads, watercolor, acrylic, graphite on torn cardboard. 5 x 5 inches each, 2016

48th Birthday Book – pages 1, 2 & 3

48th Birthday Book – pages 1, 2 & 3

With new puppy Lazer Beam at Gabriel Park. Wall sitting at the dog park. Catching flakes in a mid March snow storm. Watercolor on Arches paper before trimming. Final trimmed and folded size of finished book: 5x5-inches. 2020

48th Birthday Book - covers

48th Birthday Book - covers

For each birthday of my son’s fourth decade, I made an accordion-folded book featuring his boys. Follow the arrows to see all, or jump to my nephew’s Gratitude Book.

Covers: Long hair after months without haircuts due to Coved-19 shutdowns. Watercolor and gesso on cardboard. Each cover: 5x5-inches. June 2020. Inside pages follow.

48th Birthday Book – pages 1 & 2

48th Birthday Book – pages 1 & 2

With new puppy Lazer Beam at Gabriel Park. Watercolor on Arches paper before trimming. Final trimmed and folded size of finished book: 5x5-inches. 2020

48th Birthday Book – page 3

48th Birthday Book – page 3

Catching flakes at Gabriel Park in mid March snow storm. Watercolor on Arches paper before trimming. Final trimmed and folded size of finished book: 5x5-inches. 2020

48th Birthday Book – pages 4, 5, & 6

48th Birthday Book – pages 4, 5, & 6

Comparing heights in mid June. Watercolor on Arches paper before trimming. Final trimmed and folded size of finished book: 5x5-inches. 2020

Malcolm. Before the haircut.

Malcolm. Before the haircut.

90-minute pose from Hipbone model. Walnut ink applied with a stick, white pen. April 2018

Otter. Listening.

Otter. Listening.

Hipbone Studio model, base figure. Graphite and watercolor with gesso and walnut ink pouring. 15 x 11.5 inches, January/July 2019.

Jayme. In permanent rose.

Jayme. In permanent rose.

Hipbone Studio model in watercolor on paper. 6-hour pose. 11 x 15 inches, March 2019.

Cecilia. Ultramarine blues.

Cecilia. Ultramarine blues.

3-hour pose from Hipbone model. French ultramarine blue watercolor, walnut ink applied with a stick. March 2018

Brannon standing

Brannon standing

90 minute pose. Walnut ink on watercolor paper. June 2015

Madeline. Box and pillow.

Madeline. Box and pillow.

30-minute pose from Hipbone model. Walnut ink applied with a stick. March 2018

Austin. In transtition.

Austin. In transtition.

Hipbone Studio model on walnut ink pouring. Walnut ink and watercolor on paper. 15 x 11 inches, June 2019.

Beatrix reclining. September 2021

Beatrix reclining. September 2021

An enhanced 55 minute drawing of a Life Drawing Barcelona model with watercolor, walnut ink, and graphite. 14 x 17 inches.

Beatrix seated. September 2021

Beatrix seated. September 2021

An enhanced 55 minute drawing of a Life Drawing Barcelona model with watercolor, walnut ink, and graphite. 14 x 17 inches.

Rachel in walnut. September 27, 2020

Rachel in walnut. September 27, 2020

First 30-minute pose at Hipbone Studio. Walnut ink on hot press paper. 15x11 inches.

Beatrix seated. February 2022.

Beatrix seated. February 2022.

A drawing of Beatrix posing for Life Drawing Barcelona artists. Graphite and watercolor on salt textured Arches paper.

Magnificent decay

Magnificent decay

Watercolor on previously poured abstract, of decaying saguaro at the summit of Tumamoc Hill. 30 x 11 inches. 2024